Anesthesia and Facility fees are really useful If you use offsite anesthesia or facility services. You can set up Anesthesia and Facility fees, then activate them for treatments, so that these fees are automatically added to invoices.
In this article you'll learn how to:
- Set up Anesthesia Fee
- Set up Facility Fee
- Ensure Anesthesia and Facility Fees are calculated correctly in invoices and estimates
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Setting Up Anesthesia Fee
1. Go to Practice Account -> Anesthesia Fee.
2. Choose the location you want to assign the anesthesia fee to and turn on the toggle button.
3. Expand the location to configure the anesthesia fee.
4. Add a description to your fee if needed.
5. Choose the Fee Type to identify whether the fee is being charged by the practice or by an outside facility.
Note: Outside Fee is shown in Fee Estimates for the patient to receive a summary of all charges related to the treatment. This fee however will not be shown on invoices since the payment is collected by a third party, not your practice.
6. Choose the charge calculation method:
- Fixed Rate is the amount that a patient pays regardless of appointment duration.
- Flat Hourly applies a per hour calculation including portions of an hour.
- Scaled Hourly is cumulative, adding up the cost per hour for total cost. Example: 2 hours = $600
7. Identify if the Anesthesia Fee is taxable or not.
8. Select whether you want the fee to be visible in Fee Estimates. We recommend to always choose Yes.
9. After that click Save.
If you activate Anesthesia for a treatment in Treatment Setup, it will automatically include the cost of the anesthesia fee to all estimates for this treatment.
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Setting Up Facility Fee
1. Go to Practice Account -> Facility Fee.
2. Choose the location for which you want the Facility Fee to be activated and switch on the toggle button.
3. Expand the location to configure the Facility Fee.
4. Add description if needed.
5. Choose the Fee Type to identify whether the fee is being charged by the practice or by an outside facility.
Note: Outside Fee is shown in Fee Estimates for the patient to receive a summary of all charges related to the treatment. This fee however will not be shown on invoices since the payment is collected by a third party, not your practice.
6. Choose the Charge Calculation Method:
- Fixed Rate is the amount that a patient pays regardless of appointment duration.
- Flat Hourly applies a per hour calculation including portions of an hour.
- Scaled Hourly is cumulative, adding up the cost per hour for total cost. Example: 2 hours=$1,327
7. Select if the Facility Fee is taxable or not.
8. Select if you want the Facility Fee to be visible in Fee Estimates or not. We advise choosing Yes option.
9. Save the changes.
Once the Facility Fee is configured, you can activate the fee for chosen procedures in Treatment Setup. The Facility Fee price will be included in all estimates with this procedure.
Ensure Anesthesia and Facility Fees are Calculated Correctly in Invoices and Estimates
When you are building estimates and invoices, it's important to make sure that the fees are calculated correctly by the system.
As Anesthesia and Facility Fees are associated with the location ensure the following:
1. The Anesthesia and Facility Fees are configured for the location from the estimate/invoice. (Practice Account -> Anesthesia Fee/ Facility Fee).
2. Location in the estimate/invoice is chosen correctly, according to the configurations in Anesthesia/ Facility Fees.
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Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:15 - Introduction
00:16 - 02:40 - Configuring anesthesia fee
02:41 - 03:47 - Configuring facility fee