Charge Fee Schedule is your pricing list. When uploaded to the RCM, it brings efficiencies to your practice by automatically adding prices to bills and claims.
In this article you’ll learn how to:
- Upload Charge Fee Schedule
- Add or edit pricing
- Review pricing for a rendered service within the appointment
How to Upload Charge Fee Schedule
1. Under the Charge Fee Schedule tab, click +Add Fee Schedule.
2. Fill in the required fields and click on Save.
3. Click on Import Fee Schedule. You will have two options:
- If your spreadsheet is properly prepped for upload, click Select File >Import.
- If you need a template to develop your spreadsheet, click Download Import Template, complete all columns with the required data, then click Select File >Import.
- uploaded file will completely replace all existing data
- accepted file formats are .xlsx, .xls, .csv
- max file size is 10 MB
- required fields in the file are CODE and CHARGE AMOUNT only, CUSTOM DESCRIPTION is optional.
How to Add or Edit Pricing
You can update a Charge Fee Schedule to reflect code or pricing changes using the following steps:
1. In the Charge Fee Schedule tab, click on the schedule to be edited.
2. Click on Export to File to download the desired Charge Fee Schedule.
3. Edit the data fields or add a new row of data.
4. Import the file back: Import Fee Schedule > Select File >Import.
Note: there can only be one fee per code. If the file contains duplicates, you will receive an error message when uploading the file. Be sure to edit and correct the duplicates in the file before uploading the file again.
How to Review Pricing for a Rendered Service within the Appointment
In order to see the pricing for a service in the EHR, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Appointments tab in the EHR.
2. Locate the appointment for which you need to verify pricing and click on the appointment number. Use the filters or search tool to locate the desired appointment.
3. Go into the Encounter.
4. Open the Rendered Services section to reveal the price being autofilled by the Charge Fee Schedule.
In order to see the pricing for a service in the RCM, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Manage Bills tab and click on the desired Bill ID.
2. Click on +Add Charge.
3. As soon as you enter CPT/HSPCS code, you'll see the autopopulated price from the Charge Fee Schedule.