In this article, you will learn about:
Remedly provides you with the ability to extract the data from your account to your local storage or a cloud if needed. There are 2 ways to extract data:
Below you'll see what you data you can get in both cases.
Free data extraction
You can generate 2 CSVs that will provide you with the data about:
- patients
To generate the CSV with all patients data go to the Main Menu -> Reports -> Patient Categories.
To receive a full report of all patients, select the Search All Patients checkbox in step 1 and All patients in step 2. All report data can be searched via the Search field, sorted via the arrows, and exported as a CSV or a PDF file.
The CSV will contain the following patients' information:
-Patient ID
-Patient's first name
-Patient's last name
-Cell Phone
-Work Phone
-Home Phone
-Created date
-Last Visit
-The first appointment date
-Referral sourceTo generate a CSV with all patient appointments, you can use All appointments report. It is located in the Main Menu -> Reports -> Practice Analysis.
The report can be found in the Analysis section. Select report -> Other reports -> All appointments report.
Note: The report maximum date range for All appointment reports is one year. If you have been using Remedly for several years, you need to generate several reports. A separate report for every year of operating.
Next, you can manually extract procedure and chart notes. It can be done from the individual patient history.
Note: the chart and procedure notes can be extracted only separately for every patient. To extract them, go to the individual patient history of a patient and click Show summary of all notes.
Select Print All Notes.
After that download the PDF.
Also, you can extract invoices by downloading every separate invoice. This can be done:
- from the individual individual patient history by clicking PDF
- from invoices by clicking on the PDF icon
When the PDF opens in a new tab, click Download to save it to your local storage.
A similar way can be used to download estimates, prescriptions, medical history, consent forms and scans. Expand the corresponding section in the individual patient history and open the PDF.
After that save it by clicking Download.
As for patient before&after photos, you can download all of them as one ZIP file.
Go to the dashboard and click Search.
Then click Download ZIP.
A ZIP file will be generated and downloaded to your local storage. All the photos will be grouped based on the patient.
For Fee Solution
Types of data that can be extracted from Remedly
Remedly can provide you with the following data:
1. In CSV form
- Patient Demographics
- Appointments
- Notes & Alerts
2. In PDF form
- Procedure Notes
- Chart Notes
- Call Notes
- Invoices
- Payments & Refunds
- Estimates
- Prescriptions
- Lab Tests
- Medical History
- Consent Forms
- Imported Files
- Scans: if any of the above items mentioned in this point 2 are stored by your practice in the Individual Patient History as PDFs.
3. In JPG form
- Patient Photos.
How to Access CSV Data
CSV files are shared via Google Drive.
How to Access PDF Data
PDF files are shared with the help of sftp server. You can get access to the files and download them with the help of WinSCP. Win SCP is an app that will allow you to access your files in a secure way.
Note: the documents will be available for download only for 2 weeks.
When you open WinSCP, you'll see the following pop-up window. You'll need to fill in the fields in the following order:
1. Password
2. User name
3. Host name.
This information will be provided to you by our CS/Support team.
When you have completed the fields, click Login.
When you are logged in, you'll see the folders with the data. Click on the folders to see the files.
You can download the files to your local storage by selecting the folder/file and clicking Download.
Here's a quick video of the process.