Enables applying more than one payment method within a single interface for ease of use. Each payment method produces a unique financial transaction that can be managed individually.
In this article you will learn how to:
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1. Click Financial Dashboard, which is located on the left of scheduler.
2. Choose the invoice and click Record Payment.
3. Click Split Payment. This feature will allow you to apply several different payment methods on one screen.
Note: be sure to select Location in order to activate terminals for integrated merchant services to enable the Start Terminal button.
4. Select multiple payment methods that the patient wishes to use. It's also possible to use a Credid Card on file as a payment method.
Note: Credits payment method applies credit stored in the patient account as another payment method.
- The system automatically splits up payments based on how many payment methods there are. If you change one of the amounts, the system will automatically update the other two and split them in half.
- When applying for Credit as part of a split payment, Credit will be an option in the Payment Method and allow the selection of different credit amounts to apply to the invoice.
- Both Aspire Galderma and Brilliant Distinctions (Allergan) have to be applied only towards products/treatments of Galderma or Allergan. You cannot select both as part of a split payment. Instead run two separate payments, one for each payment method, being sure to allocate it only to the appropriate line items of the invoice.
5. Partial payments using split payments require the Pay in Full toggle to be set to No and the payment amount total in the Due input field to be reduced in order for the partial payments to be accepted.
6. Click Collect Funds on each of the payment methods. If you have the 360 Payment Processor, which is integrated with our terminal, you can click Start Terminal and swipe each card.
7. Once each fund is collected, click Apply & Close or Apply & Process Another at the bottom. You do not have to go back and forth between appointments to apply multiple payment methods!
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:09 - Introduction
00:10 - 2:40 - Making a split payment