In this article you will learn how to:
- How to reformat existing forms to fit the Remedly system
- How to upload forms onto Remedly
- How to tie forms to procedures and/or appointments
- How to print the form for signing
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Your practice might have consent forms and other documents either in paper or PDF format for patients to complete. We are going to upload the documents to the platform so that your patients can review and complete them via the patient portal before their arrival or in the waiting room. In order to do so, we need to reformat them so they are optimized for completion.
How to Reformat the Forms That You Already Have
1. Open your .pdf or .doc consent form. Scroll down to the patient and physician signature section.
2. Get rid of the patient signature and date section because Remedly automatically includes them.
- for .pdf: using the white box tool on Preview, cover the signature box and save
- for .doc: delete the signature box and save it as .pdf
How to Upload Edited Forms to Remedly
1. Click Treatment Forms under Practice Account on the left.
2. Fill out the form description and click Select PDF to add a form to the system.
3. Always Select All so that you can pull out the form in any appointment type.
- Forms Package allows you to select additional forms for patient completion from the appointment screen or the individual patient history to allow the selection of additional forms beyond what has been tied to the scheduled treatment.
Note: Make sure that all your forms are added in Treatment Forms with Forms Package selected. Once the form has been added to Forms Package, you'll be able to download all forms as a PDF to have the patient complete them manually and then be scanned and uploaded into patient history.
4. Select the expiration date of the form. Then, click Save.
- If the patient has to sign the form every time they visit, select 1 Day.
How to Tie the Form to the Treatment
1. Click Treatment Setup in the navigation bar to tie the form to the treatment.
2. Search the procedure and click Edit to add forms.
3. Scroll down and find the Appointment Forms. Then select the form for the right appointment type. Once you are done, click Save.
How to Check Added Forms to the Appointment
1. You will see the forms you added are tied to the treatment when you make a new appointment.
- Once the patient signs the form, the icon will turn to green if completed or yellow if a provider needs to countersign for a surgical treatment.
2. Check in the patient in order for the patient to sign the form. Then click the form icon again. If more forms need to be completed which are not initially listed, they can be added using the Select Treatment Form(s) option.
3. The patient will also receive an email from Remedly to directly fill out the form on their Patient Portal. Ideally, the patient will complete this step before arriving for their appointment.
Note: encourage patients to complete their consent forms using the patient portal for maximum efficiency. If consent forms need to be viewed and signed in the practice, it is recommended to provide the patient with a tablet which has the patient information filter deselected.
How to Print the Form for Signing
When the patient comes to the office for the appointment and you want them to sign the form in a physical paper format you can do the following:
- Open the appointment window and go to the field below Notes
- Click on Select From Package to Print (Optional) field and select the form you want to print out.
- A new window with the PDF of the form will open, where you an click the Print icon to print the form out and give it to the patient to sign.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:18 - Introduction
00:17 - 01:35 - Reformatting the forms before uploading them to Remedly
01:35 - 3:23 - Uploading the pdf forms to Remedly
3:24 - 4:37 - Tying forms to the procedures
4:38 - 5:00 - Scheduling a patient for the procedure with a treatment form linked to it
5:01 - 5:49 - A form icon in appointment tile
5:50 - 7:13 - Completing forms in the patient portal
7:14 - 7:51 - Completing forms from Remedly on premises
7:52 - 8:11 - Wrapping up