In this article, you will learn how to:
- Configure a preset treatment
- Create a custom treatment
- Adjust treatment pricing for a treatment from a prepaid package
Developing a list of treatments provided by your practice will allow you to use this list throughout the platform, including appointment scheduling, lead generation, targeted marketing campaigns, and many other areas.
Configuring a Preset Treatment
To create your list of treatments, begin by navigating to the Treatment Setup tab under Practice Account.
Use the keyword search to find your preferred treatment.
Use the Edit button to configure the treatment parameters.
Note: employee gratuity can be accounted for using the preset treatment title of Gratuity or Tip
Your treatment configurations can be set up on a per location basis.
Input the configurations which are appropriate for each location:
- Preset treatments are fixed as either Surgical or Non-surgical and cannot be adjusted.
- Surgical means a provider will be notified to sign any associated patient consent forms for this treatment and the default anesthesia input fields will be included in the procedure note
- Non-surgical means a provider will not need to sign the patient consent forms
If this setting does not accommodate your needs, please find another preset treatment or follow instructions below for creating a custom treatment.
2. Select a color for this treatment which will display on the calendar.
Note: for any treatments which will benefit from using the Sketcher tool, we recommend using a darker color
3. Repeat Treatment Intervals identify the preferred frequency for patient visits, allowing the Patients Due for Treatment report to identify patients who are overdue for their repeat treatment.
4. Appointment Durations are default settings which can be overridden when scheduling.
5. Appointment Forms are any Consent Forms required for this treatment.
Note: see How to Upload and/or Update Forms for enabling Consent Forms to display
6. Charge Calculation Method will load default treatment pricing into invoices which can be overridden when invoicing:
- Fixed Hourly is a set price for the duration of the appointment.
- Flat Hourly applies a per hour calculation including portions of an hour.
- Scaled Hourly is cumulative, adding up cost per hour for total cost.
- Inventory uses the Retail Price per Unit in the Inventory module for calculations.
Note: for more information on Inventory pricing, see How to Add Inventory Items
- Fee Type indicates if the charge is associated with your practice or outside location, e.g. offsite surgery center.
- Taxable Rate will apply the default tax rate configured in Practice Profile.
- Anesthesia will apply the anesthesia fee configured in Anesthesia Fee under Practice Account.
- Facility Fee will apply the facility fee configured in Facility Fee under Practice Account.
Note: The treatment price cannot be adjusted if an active prepaid package includes the treatment. In order to change the treatment pricing, first archive the prepaid package, adjust the treatment pricing, then create a new prepaid package using the treatment with adjusted pricing. Any sold prepaid packages based on the original pricing are managed per usual regardless of the prepaid package being archived.
7. Display for Patients activates the list of treatments patients can select from when submitting an appointment request or interest in being a patient. If there are treatment titles which are not patient-friendly, such as "Botox with Dr XYZ" perhaps due to higher pricing, Display for Patients should be toggled off.
See more examples in Scheduling treatments vs. patient-facing treatments.
8. If you set the Display Quantity/Duration in the Fee Estimate/ Invoice to Yes, the treatment estimated quantity, duration and pricing details will be shown in the estimate PDF.
9. Charge to Patient or Insurance can be overridden when invoicing.
You can also add Notes to a treatment. The note will be displayed in the Treatments Price List and the notes section of the associated appointment.
Scheduling treatments vs. patient-facing treatments
There are 2 types of treatments:
- Scheduling treatments
-treatments that can be scheduled both by staff members in staff/provider account. The are visible in the Visit reason drop-down in the appointment window. - Patient-facing treatments
-treatments that are visible in the patient portal. Patients see these treatments as available for:
•scheduling online initial consultations
•requesting an appointment
These 2 lists of treatments can differ from each other for different reasons:
1. You want some treatments (e.g. Botox) to be available only for scheduling at your practice but not via the patient portal.
2. You want to save patients time during the selection between the entire list of treatments.
If you want to make some of the treatments available only for scheduling by your staff members, turn off the Display for Patients toggle in Treatment Setup.
Configuring a Custom Treatment
In order to create a custom treatment, the new treatment must be nested within a preset treatment. There are many general preset treatment titles, such as Consultation, Filler, and Acne Treatment, for nesting your custom treatments. Select a treatment title that best correlates with your custom treatment title and follow these steps to create your custom treatment:
- Select the Add New button
2. Input custom treatment title
3. Determine if treatment is surgical or non-surgical
- Surgical means a provider will need to sign any associated patient consent forms for this treatment and will receive a dashboard notification
- Non-surgical means a provider will not need to sign the patient consent forms
4. Complete the rest of the input fields as indicated
5. The custom treatment will display nested beneath the preset treatment
Adjust Treatment Pricing if Treatment is Used in Prepaid Package
If a treatment price is included as part of an active prepaid package, the treatment price cannot be adjusted. Trying to do so will cause the following error message:
In order to adjust pricing for a treatment which is part of an active prepaid package, follow these steps:
- Archive the prepaid package(s) using the treatment
- Go to Treatment Setup
- Adjust the treatment pricing in Treatment Setup
- Create new prepaid package(s) using the new pricing
Any prepaid packages previously sold using the original pricing and now archived are not affected by the treatment price change.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:05 - Introduction
00:06 - 00:31 - Treatment list
00:32 - 00:52 - Searching the treatment
00:53 - 00:58 - Changing treatment parameters
00:59 - 01:29 - Turning the treatment on/off for a location
01:30 - 05:31 - Configuring the treatment
05:32 - 06:34 - Creating a custom treatment