If your practice moves to a new location, you can archive your previous location so it no longer displays when creating appointments.
When planning a location move, be sure to create the new location for assigning all appointments post-move to ensure patients receive the correct address in their appointment emails.
In this article you'll learn how to:
>View Video Below<
Archive a Location
Before archiving a location make sure that there's no inventory or prepaid packages associated with the location.
Note: A location cannot be archived if there are inventory or prepaid packages associated with the location.
To do so, go to Practice Account -> Practice Profile -> Locations tab.
Click Archive Location icon using the Edit arrow on the location to be archived.
Confirm the action.
Note: If there are any prepaid packages or inventory associated with the location, you'll be asked to remove or move them first.
When the location is archived, it will be marked as archived, but all the appointments associated with the location will stay in the calendar with the columns greyed out and unavailable for further usage.
The location will not be available for selection in the appointment window as well.
The location will not be available for Appointment Requests in the patient portal or for Self Scheduling appointments.
To remove the archived location from your calendar, you can turn it off in the columns manager.
For more information, please see the following article:
If any users were assigned to this location in User Accounts, the location will no longer be associated with their account in User Accounts.
If you archived the location by mistake, you can unarchive it with the help of the Unarchive icon.
The unarchived location will become available for further usage.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:37 - Introduction
00:38 - 00:49 - Archiving a location
00:50 - 02:25 - Removing the location from the calendar
02:26 - 02:52 - Unarchiving the location