In this article you will learn:
- Requirements for having an online store
- How patients make purchases in the online store
- How to configure your online store
Providing an online store to your patients allows them to shop your over-the-counter products at their convenience, ensuring they think of your practice first for all their aesthetics' needs. Please note that only your established patients will be able to access the Online Store, as it exists within the Patient Portal.
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Things to Know
- Use of the Online Store requires integration with one of Remedly’s payment processing partners, either 360Payments or Square. If you use 360Payments, you need to also be enabled with their Vault solution for credit card storage.
- The Online Store is not set up for automatic shipping. You will need to manage shipping of your products manually or with a 3rd-party solution. There is a Shipping Fee option in Treatment Setup for adding shipping costs to invoices.
- Only inventory items categorized in Remedly as Over-the-Counter (OTC) will be available for purchase by your patients within the Online Store.
Patient Shopping Experience
Patients access the Online Store by logging into the Patient Portal. The left side menu provides a link to the Online Store.
Within the store, patients will be able to view the products you have for sale as well as their shopping cart and any previous purchases. Patients also have the ability to search for specific product.
To purchase an item, patients click on the item, determine the quantity they desire, and add it to their cart.
They can check the shopping cart in a separate tab and proceed to checkout.
Patients will have the ability to indicate at which location they prefer to pick up their product, before they enter their credit card information and complete the purchase.
Nest step is to provide payment details.
And finally, it's possible to review and place the order.
Online Store Configuration
Before adding the list of products available in your Onine Store, make sure that you enabld Online Store in Practice Acount -> Practice Profile.
In Patient Portal Configurations select the Online Store checkbox.
After that you can start adding products. This is done in the Inventory section of Remedly.
Check out the basics on building out your inventory in the following article:
First, you need to Add an inventory item. Go to the inventory.
Note: For the product to be visible in the online store you need to choose an OTC product category.
Select the product brand, add a photo and/or description, and select Yes for Include this product in your online store? in order to allow the item to be sold in your online store.
Note: You can also set a Sale Price per Unit which will display the original price as well as the Sale Price in red. So it will be visible that there's a discount on the product.
If you want to edit the product, click the pencil icon to edit the inventory item.
For the product to be visible in the online store you need to add it to stock.
To view your orders, navigate to the Online Orders tab in the Inventory module.
You can view all orders or view only Outstanding or Fulfilled orders.
To indicate items that have been picked up, click the Details arrow then select Set as Picked Up.
You can designate who in your practice should receive notifications of new online store purchases by toggling on Online Store Purchase within User Accounts.
In the dashboard it will be shown as the line item below.
Note: Invoices, payments, and refunds for sales made in the Online Store are visible within the Financial Dashboard as well as on the patient's Individual Patient History.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:41 - Introduction
00:42 - 1:09 - Requirements for setting up an online store
1:10 - 1:34 - Enabling online store in Practice Profile
1:35 - 3:10 - Adding an OTC product to inventory
3:11 - 3:45 - Adding the items to stock
3:46 - 5:00 - Buying a product in an online store
5:01 - 5:40 - Checking online store orders
5:41 - 6:21 - Turning on dashboards notifications for online orders