Patient Activity reports will inform you about patients' engagement in using your services.
In this article you will learn about:
- Patient activity
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Patient Activity
To get to Patient Activity reports, go to the Main Menu -> Reports-> Patient Activity.
Patient Activity reports include the following reports:
1. Patient Due For Treatment
This report will identify which patients have missed their repeat treatments so you can follow up with them to schedule their next appointment.
First, you must have the repeat interval configured in Treatment Setup based on how frequently you want patients to return to receive this treatment.
To generate the report, check the treatments you are interested in in the dropdown in step 1.
After that click Create report.
When the report is generated, you can Select All then use the Create email list button to generate your custom list. This list can be further used for a mail merge.
Note: If you do not see any patients in the list it means that there are no patients due for treatment.
Once you name your list, ideally including the date, it will be available to you under Custom Lists.
For more information on using custom lists, please see this article:
Or you can generate a pdg file with the information by clicking Create PDF.
You can see an example of the report below.
2. Patients Using Online Concierge Service
Use this report to determine the status of Online Consultations and Online Follow-Ups submitted via the Patient Portal.
First, choose the date range and the report you need.
-Consults started but not completed by patients
This report provides a list of patients who started the process of submitting an online consultation but finished not all the steps and haven't submitted the online consultation.
-Submitted New Consults
Here you can see the list of all the patients who submitted online initial consultations within the chosen period of time.
-Submitted follow-ups
This report provides you with a list of all the patients who submitted online initial consultations within the chosen period of time.
-Scheduled follow-ups
This report provides data on how many follow-ups were scheduled for submitted requests.
-Overdue follow-ups
A provider can submit the date when the follow-up should occur for the patient. This report shows the follow-ups that didn't take place, but the preperable date has passed.
After that click Create report.
The same as with the previous report you can Select all the patients and create an email list, to be able to use it later in Lists.
For more information on using custom lists, please see this article:
Also, you can send a direct message to any of the patients or generate a PDF.
3. Patient Conversion Report
These reports provide data on the conversion status for:
- Consultations converted to procedures
- Leads converted to scheduling an appointment
-Consultation converted to procedures
In this report, you can see how many procedures were transformed from one visit type to another. For the Consultation converted to procedures report, the consultation appointment and the procedure appointment must be for the SAME treatment in order to be included in the report results. The report shows only the procedures that follow an initial consultation. E.g. If a procedure treatment with a visit reason follows a consultation with the same visit reason - It will be shown in this report. If you have 1 consultation and 2 procedures after - only 1 procedure will be recorded in the report. Also, the procedures and consultations appear in the report only if you check the patient in and out.
To generate the report select the date range and the report and click Create report.
You can study the report in Remedly or generate a PDF.
See the example of the PDF below.
If you want to see a report only for certain procedures, just click the line highlighted in the screenshot below and uncheck the procedure you do not need.
-Leads converted to scheduling an appointment
The Leads Conversion report will identify your top referral sources for bringing in new leads as well as their success rate at scheduling consultations and procedures.
When scheduling the lead's first appointment, be sure to select the lead via the appointment to successfully convert the lead to a patient.
To generate the report select the date range and the report and click Create report.
The report will be generated below. If needed you can render a PDF version of the report.
The example of the PDF report is below.
You can deselect referral sources from the report output if needed. To do this click the highlighted line below and uncheck unnecessary referral sources.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:05 - Introduction
00:06 - 00:11 - Opening patient activity reports page
00:12 - 00:29 - Types of patient activity reports
00:30 - 2:16 - Generating patients due for treatment report
2:17 - 3:17 - Generating patients using concierge service reports
3:18 - 4:19 - Generating patient conversion reports