Some practices require the ability to collect pre-payments for appointments.
In this article you'll learn how to:
Take Pre-Payments for Appointments
How to take pre-payments for appointments with RCM
Open your RCM account. Go to Practices -> Billing Ledger.
In the search bar find the patient who needs to pay the fee for a future appointment and click New Transaction.
Select Payment.
Then select the desired payment method from the drop-down menu.
Enter the amount of money, select the payment date, and add the description of the payment, e.g Prepayment or Copay. When you are ready, click Collect Payment.
You will receive a message confirming that the payment was created.
The money will be visible in the patient's card. It is not linked to any bill.
Once the bill for an appointment is created, you can add this payment amount to the bill.
How to take pre-payments for appointments with EHR
Now if you need to collect payment from patient upfront, you can easily do it straight from the appointment. Inside of each appointment there will be a notification available with the shortcut to collect patient payment.
To collect patient payment:
- In the appointment follow the link Collect patient payment upfront.
- Enter required information and hit Collect Payment. In the description you can write ‘Copay’ for records purposes.
- Patient Payment will be created and once you press Collect payment the billing ledger will be opened with the information on successful payment.
Adding the Payment to the Bill
Adding the Payment to the Bill via the Billing Ledger
Go to the Billing Ledger, then find and open the prepayment. Click +Charges.
You will see the list of bills for this patient. If the list is long, you can sort it by the date of service or by the bill ID.
When you locate the desired bill, select it from the list and click Add Charges.
Note: You can also add the prepayment to the bill from the bill itself.
Adding the Payment to the Bill via the Patient List
Go to the Patients tab, find the desired patient and open their profile.
Go to their personal Billing Ledger by clicking Go to Billing Ledger.
Find the desired bill and use the arrow icon to display details. If the patient has any prepayments, they will appear in the bill details.
Click on the 3 dots in the payment line and then click View Payment Details.
In Payment Details, you can either Edit the link to the bill or add the new bill by clicking +Charges.