Form Editor Overview
Form Editor is a powerful tool for creating patient-facing forms to collect various types of information, such as pre-appointment questionnaires, post-appointment feedback, or consent forms.
Forms can be utilized in multiple ways, depending on your needs.
Types of Forms:
- Consent form - a form signed by a patient before a medical procedure, confirming their agreement to proceed and acknowledging any associated risks. It serves as documentation of informed consent.
- Intake form - a form that collects patient details such as demographics, medical history, current medications, and more.
- Informational form - a form used to share standard recommendations, assignments, or other useful information with patients.
Questionnaire – a form containing a set of questions for the patient to provide subjective feedback, such as:
- patient condition e.g. pre-appointment questionnaire forms, past-appointment forms, etc
- practice or provider evaluations, etc.
To create any type of form you need to configure:
1) Form template - this is the design of your form, including all the fields, questions, and sections. It defines what information will be collected and how the form will look.
2) Form - configure how and when the Form template will be used, including its purpose and applicable scenarios.
In this article you'll learn about:
How to Get an Access to the Form Editor
Forms editor can be found in EHR's Settings section -> Forms.
Form editor is disabled by default. To access it, please contact
How to create and edit Form Templates
Follow these steps to create a new Form Template using the Form Editor:
1. Select Form Templates at the top left, toggle between Forms and Form Templates.
2. Click on the "+Form Template" to create a new Form Template.
Alternatively, use preloaded templates provided by Remedly during onboarding.
To reuse an existing template, click the three-dot menu next to the template and choose Duplicate Form Template.
Name your Form Template before proceeding. This name is for internal use and will not appear to patients.
Use grids to create columns for organizing elements (2, 3, or 4 columns).
If needed you can adjust the number of grids. Click Grids icon
Make appropriate changes and hit Save
To delete the Grid click Trash icon.
Drag and drop components from the left side to the canvas on the right.
Here’s what you can include in your Form Template:
- Single Line: A single line of text (e.g., "Name" or "Phone Number").
- Multi Line: A text box for multiple lines (e.g., "Address" or "Insurance Information").
- Single Choice: A list of options where only one can be selected.
- Multiple Choice: A list of options where multiple selections available.
- Dropdown: A dropdown list for selecting single option.
- Combobox: List for selecting single option with ability to search for an option.
- Text Paragraph: Static text to display, such as a section name or legal notice.
- File Upload: Lets users upload file(s).
- Date: Allows users to select a date from a calendar.
- Numeric: A field for entering numeric values (e.g., "Patient Height").
- Signature: Enables digital signatures.
To edit a component's content or set its properties, hover over it on the canvas and click the pencil icon.
When editing an element, you can set element-specific content as well as make it required. Some elements have their own exclusive settings that show up when editing.
You can:
1. Set the label, help text, and placeholder text. Make the field required.
2. Adjust specific settings unique to the component (e.g., combobox options).
Clicking "Save" on a component only saves changes to that component. To save the entire template, see Save Form Template.
To delete the component click trash icon.
Rearranging components and grids
To rearrange components on the canvas and within the grid columns, hover over then drag by the dots icon and drop.
- a Grid
- a component
See video instruction:
Manage Form Template
While creating a form template, you can manage your progress and view changes using the following tools:
Cancel Changes
- Click the left arrow icon at the top to undo recent changes.
Restore Cancelled Changes
- Click the right arrow icon to redo previously cancelled changes.
Save Progress
- Don’t forget to click Save periodically to secure your changes.
Preview the Form
- Click Preview to see how the form will appear to users.
Final Save and Exit
- Once your Form Template is complete, click Save. Then, click Back to return to the Form Templates view.
- Your newly created Form Template will appear at the top of the list with a status of Draft.
View Form Template
to view the Form Template just click on its name in grid.
There you will see the form from user perspective.
Form Template Statuses
Form Templates can have the following statuses:
- Draft: Assigned when the form is first created.
- Active: Indicates the template is currently in use by the practice.
Inactive: The template is not actively used but may be needed in the future.
Note: If a Form Template is set to Inactive, all Forms based on it will also become inactive.
How to create Forms
Once you have a Form Template, follow these steps to create a Form based on it.
Form Statuses
Forms can have the following statuses:
- Draft: Indicates the form is still being created or edited.
- Active: The form is currently in use by the practice.
Inactive: The form is not currently in use but may be used in the future.
If a Form Template is set to Inactive, all Forms based on it will also become inactive. - Archived: The form is no longer used. Archived forms can only be duplicated for future use.
Ways to Create Form
There are several ways to create Form:
1. From the list of Forms
Go to the Forms list and select "+ Form".
Then choose if you want to create Form Template from the scratch (see How to create and edit Form Templates ) or use existing form template.
If you choose from existing form template you will see the list of available Active forms. Select the desired one.
2) From the list of Form Templates
Navigate to 'Form Templates' -> click the three-dot menu of desired template -> choose Create Form.
Once the form settings appear, configure the following details:
Form Template Details
- Review the associated Form Template.
- Use the More Actions to preview the template or switch to another template if needed.
Form Name - Enter the name of the form that will be displayed to patients.
Expiration Period - Set the number of days the form remains valid after it is signed.
Applied Period - Specify the period when the form becomes applicable for use in the practice.
Locations - Assign the locations where this form will be used. Leave blank to apply it to all locations.
Department - Assign the departments that will use the form. Leave blank to apply it to all departments.
Practitioner Role - Specify the roles of practitioners who will use this form. Leave blank to apply it to all practitioners.
Services - Associate the form with specific services. Leave blank to associate it with all services.
Automatic Addition to Appointments - Choose whether to automatically add this form to appointments scheduled with the selected services.
Once all settings are configured, click Save. The new Form will appear with a Draft status.
To make the form available for use, set its status to Active by clicking "More Actions" and selecting "Set as Active".
Once activated, the form will be applied to appointments based on your configurations.
Edit of Form
You can edit an existing Form using either of the following methods:
1) Via View of Form
- Locate the desired form in the list (grid).
- Click on the form's name.
- Select Edit to make changes.
2) Three-Dot Menu
- Locate the form in the list (grid) and click the three-dot menu next to the Form.
- Choose Edit Form from the options.
When you edit a Form, any changes you make will take effect starting from the date you save the updates.
Deleting Forms
Deleting a Form is not available. Instead, you can manage forms by:
- Setting it to Inactive: Use this option if the form is temporarily not needed but may be used again in the future.
- Archiving the Form: Choose this option if the form is no longer required and won’t be actively used. Archived forms can still be duplicated if needed.
Now you’re ready to create and manage forms that meet your practice’s needs effectively!