Before using the Remedly platform to document patient visits, take this quick test on the features you’re most likely to use to ensure you have the skills needed to navigate Remedly with confidence.
The areas we’ll focus on include:
- Writing a procedure note
- Completing or approving already started notes
- Uploading before and after photos
- Appending existing notes
- Adding alerts to patient records
You can complete this test all at once or over time, working through each section to learn about different functionality in the platform. There are embedded links to our Help Center for how-to content if you’re unclear what to do. When you’re done with the test, compare your results to the images provided to see if you’ve completed the tasks successfully. Overall the test should take about thirty minutes.
Recommended Help Center reading before taking this test:
- How to Use Charting Tools
- How to Use the Sketching Tool
- How and When to Use Phrase Macros in Remedly
- How to Understand the Full Flow: from Lead to Check Out
Let’s get started!
- Note: you may need to refresh Remedly periodically to reflect the changes you make if you’re working in multiple tabs at once.
Prepare to write a new Procedure Note
- Access the Calendar and identify the Procedure treatment appointment for Sample Test - patient should be checked in.
- Click on the Clipboard Icon to complete the necessary consent form. Clipboard icon will change from red to green upon completion. -->
- Open up the appointment by clicking on it.
- Click ‘Show Summary of All Notes’ to view the complication from the patient's previous visit.
- Click the ID Card icon to access the patient’s history page, and add a new Before Photo
- Expand ‘Before and After Photos’ and click ‘Add/View Photos’.
- Note: you can either upload a photo stored on your device, or, if you’re on a mobile device with a camera, you can take a photo right from this screen
- Return to the appointment on your calendar tab and click ‘Write a Procedure Note’
Write a Procedure Note
Related Help Center Articles: How to Use Charting Tools,
How to Use the Sketching Tool, and How and When to Use Phrase Macros in Remedly
- Select the Sample Template from the ‘Select Procedure Note Template’ drop-down menu and fill it out in the Procedure Note section.
- Add an Inventory Item to the note:
- From the drop-down menu, select Sample Inventory Item and add a quantity
- Note: be sure to press ‘Add’
- Add a sketch to the note:
- In the top-right corner, click on any avatar
- Add some drawing to the sketch and hit ‘Save’
- Add a sample Phrase Macro:
- In the “Patient Visit Summary” bottom text box, type .sample, and watch how the predetermined text populates when you press Space or Enter
- For the purposes of this test, ‘Save’ the note
- Note: Do not press ‘Commit’ since we will commit the note later in this test. Normally, if all steps of documenting the visit are complete at this point, you would press Commit to time-stamp and sign the note.
- In some practices, assisting staff members may generally want to 'Save' notes to allow a more senior provider to 'Commit' the note.
- Navigate back to the patient’s history page by clicking the ID Card icon , and add a new After Photo.
Approve the Started Note
Use this workflow either to complete notes you have started and not completed, or that your staff has started for you.
- Navigate to the Dashboard
- Identify the notification for Finish Procedure Note for Sample Test
- Click ‘Review’
- Scroll to the bottom, noticing the information in the note, and when ready, press ‘Commit’.
Append an Existing Note
Use this workflow when you need to correct a mistake in the original note, or add to it.
- Navigate to Sample Test’s patient history page.
- Identify the Procedure Note we just committed.
- Click ‘Append’
- Add some filler text in the Addendum text box and click ‘Commit’
Add an Alert to a Patient
Use this workflow to highlight important patient information. Alerts appear when viewing the patient’s history page and when scheduling and viewing patient appointments.
- Navigate to Sample Test’s patient history page
- Identify ‘General Notes and Alerts’ and hit ‘Add/Edit’
- Add your sample Alert, and be sure to click the check-box to make it an Alert.
- Go back to the Calendar to view any appointment for the patient, and verify that your Alert shows up on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Note: this Alert will also show up when you are scheduling a new appointment for this patient
Check Your Results
Navigate to Sample Test’s patient history page, and compare it with the screenshot below. If you completed all of the above steps correctly, you should see this exact screen.
Then, compare the PDF of the Procedure Note you committed and appended against this screenshot.
Congratulations on completing the Remedly Clinical Staff Test!
If you have any questions about your results, please email and also please share your thoughts on how this test can be approved!