Remedly offers the ability to go paperless by ordering patient lab tests electronically in conjunction with our partner LabSoft. eLabs functionality allows you to create lab orders for patients and receive results which are automatically saved to the patient's individual history.
This guide will walk you through the steps for enrolling in integrated eLabs:
Update Contract Terms with Remedly
Because there are billing considerations associated with this feature, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or in order to update your contract terms to activate eLabs for your account.
Identify Labs for Collaboration
Before using eLabs, you need to determine which labs you want to collaborate with. There are two ways to identify your list of labs for collaboration:
- LabSoft's Preferred Laboratories List: pre-approved labs with established LabSoft partnership
- Self-Selected Labs: labs you currently are or want to work with which are not included in the preferred list.
Please note that the setup process for the self-selected laboratories can take a bit longer to finalize. Consider the following recommendations to simplify and speed up the process of lab selection:
- choose labs that you are working with at the moment
- choose labs where you already have an account
- select up to 3 labs where you most often plan to send lab orders.
Submit Connection Request Forms
Once you have selected a laboratory you need to complete a Connection Request Form for each of the labs. The request will be submitted to and considered by LabSoft, and they will send you a submission confirmation email with further instructions and will forward your connection request to the chosen laboratory.
Note: You need to submit one Connection Request Form for every lab you want to collaborate with.
It is up to each lab to approve or deny the connection request. You'll be informed about the lab's decision via email. If you have a lap representative, we suggest notifying them of your submission to help with advocacy.
If your request is denied, please connect with your lab representative to discuss the reasons for the denial. If it is approved, make sure you notify so we can complete and test your eLabs set up.
Start Operating
Once we've set up your lab connection(s), we'll inform you via email so you can start placing and receiving lab orders via Remedly.