In this article, you will learn about our updates to:
- Provide ability to review all changes to the calendar using the Appointment Audit Log
- Change patient email address after patient has accessed patient portal
- Configure which treatments will include quantity and duration pricing details for Estimates
Appointment Audit Log
In order to verify all changes to the calendar, the Appointment Audit Log enables the ability to look up all changes to any appointment in the calendar. To access, use the Appointment Audit Log link under Schedule:
The filters allow you to search all appointments based on various criteria, including by patient name, user name (whoever created the appointment or made the update), appointment date range, or view all changes within the past day/week/month. You can export the filtered results for further analysis.
The appointment ID can be found on the appointment, however it cannot be copied and pasted into the filter.
The Event column identifies the action that was taken to the appointment. The Details column provides further information on the action taken, with any contents before the -> being the original appointment data and any contents after the -> being the updated appointment data.
Patient Email Update after Patient Portal Access
Patient email address can now be edited in patient demographics regardless of whether or not the patient has already accessed the patient portal, using the pencil icon to edit.
All edits are retained for the record, including both the previous and the new email address.
The patient will receive an email notifying them that their email address has changed.
Estimates to Include Treatment Pricing Details
To refine a change we made in our last release regarding the layout of patient estimates, each treatment can now be configured to have treatment estimates include quantity and duration pricing details on the estimate PDF.
In order to activate each treatment to display these details, find the desired treatment in Treatment Setup and set the toggle Display Quantity/Duration in the Fee Estimate to Yes.