In this article, you will learn about our updates to:
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Lead Generation Patient Verification
Via Contact Us Form
When a user submits the Contact Us form to your practice, the platform will check if the email address and/or phone number is already assigned to an existing patient. This is to avoid creating a duplicate lead account for an existing patient.
If there is already an existing patient with the same email address and/or phone number, then:
- users set up in User Accounts to be notified of new leads will receive a Contact Request dashboard notification so they can follow up with the patient.
- a new lead account will NOT be created in the Current Leads section of the Marketing module
Learn more about how to generate and manage new leads in the following article:
Via Marketing Module
Leads can be added manually via the Marketing module.
To accomplish this, follow the next steps:
1. You can access Current Leads in 3 different ways:
- Main Menu > Marketing > Current Leads
- being on the Calendar click on the Current Leads icon in the menu right above the Calendar
- being on the Calendar click on Marketing > Current Leads
2. In the pop-up window hit New Lead.
3. In the new pop-up window choose the Referral source, type in First Name, Last Name, and Cell and/or Email, and hit Create.
3. If the email address and/or phone number is used by an existing patient you'll be notified by this error message. To dismiss the message, click on the OK button.
Users set up in User Accounts to be notified of new leads will simultaneously receive a Contact Request dashboard notification.
More Comprehensive Medical History
When staff complete the allergy section of the patient chart all allergy details will be reflected in the Medical History PDF record for affirmative responses. This allows providers to make more informed decisions about the patient's treatment and avoid any potential adverse reactions.
Note: Previously signed Medical History PDFs will not be updated with the allergy items.
This functionality works when the following steps are taken.
1. Go to the Allergies section in the patient chart and click on Add/Edit Allergies.
2. Click the Add New Allergy button (you can also edit or delete the existing records).
3. Fill in the form, including content in the Comments field, and hit Save.
4. Click on OK to dismiss the success message.
5. Expand the Medical History section of the patient chart.
6. Click Med History to start a new Medical History form.
7. Expand STEP 2 of the Medical History form by clicking on the triangle on the right.
If your patient answers Yes to the DO YOU HAVE ANY ALLERGIES OR ADVERSE REACTIONS question, all allergy items will autofill from the Allergies section of the patient chart.
8. Don't forget to ask your patient to sign their Medical History and then hit Save.
Any information inputted in the Allergies section of the patient chart will be automatically included in the Medical History PDF.
Note: For allergy information captured via Rcopia only allergy item names will autofill the Medical History.
Learn more about e-Prescribing: DrFirst in the following article:
Improvements to the All Appointments Report
If you go the the Main Menu > Reports > Practice Analysis.
Then in the Analysis Reports section go through steps 1-3.
Choose Other Reports > All appointments.
The report will download to your device. Open it and see:
- three new columns: Created date, Scheduled By, and New Patient Status
- the Created By column documents who scheduled an appointment. If the appointment was self-scheduled by the patient, the patient's name will appear in this column.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:06 - Introduction
00:07 - 00:24 - Lead Generation for Only New Patients
00:25 - 01:01 - Enhanced Medical History
01:02 - 01:30 - All Appointments Report Improvement
01:31 - 01:37 - Wrapping up