In this article you will learn how to:
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"Phrase Macros" are shortcuts that you can use to type one word and populate a whole paragraph of text. Remedly offers this functionality to shorten your charting time and to allow you to dedicate more time to your patient!
How to Set Up Your Phrase Macros
- From the Dashboard, go to the Main Menu to Practice Account and then EHR Templates. You'll see a Phrase Macros tile.
Note: You do not need to enter the ‘.’ in the name of your shortcut.
Note: You can use *** bookmarks in the text. *** means that the information needs to be modified before committing the note. As a result, If you try to commit the note that contains *** bookmarks, the system will notify you that first you need to make changes to the content.
To jump between the *** bookmarks, use F2 key (Shift + F2 to jump in the reverse direction).
When to Use Phrase Macros vs. Note Templates
Text that you plan to include in the chart for every patient you see for procedure X should go in the chart-note or op-note template for procedure X.
Use Phrase Macros for text that will only be associated with certain patients.
ex: Patient is a smoker, so we want to document that we discussed with the patient how smoking complicates the procedure and is associated with additional risks.
How to Use Phrase Macros
Phrase Macros should be typed either into the Patient Visit Summary (see screenshot) or into a long text box in a Note Template.
Type “.macro” where macro is your shortcut, then press SPACE or ENTER and the text you have associated with the macro will fill in.
Note: Remember that the macros are case-sensitive.
To Test Your Phrase Macros
- Go to your patient's chart to write a procedure note. You can do this from the patient's appointment on your calendar or search the patient's name on the search bar.
- Scroll down to Procedure Note or Patient Visit Summary.
- Type your shortcut then hit enter.
- Phrase macro is case-sensitive so make sure you have typed the correct shortcut
- The paragraph you input will populate!
- Click Save or Commit to save your procedure notes.
- Save: will move the procedure note to the dashboard notification where you can come back and finish later
- Commit: committing to the record and it is only editable via addendum at that point, which is a HIPAA compliance.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:03 - Introduction
00:04 - 00:45 - What is a Phrase Macro?
00:46 - 01:28 - Setting up phrase macros
01:29 - 02:18 - Using bookmarks in phrase macros
02:19 - 03:37 - Using Phrase Macros in Notes