In this article, you will learn about our updates to:
- Enable customization of discount reasons
- Allow adding the same inventory to the invoice and procedure notes
- Improve estimates duplication process
Customization of Discount Reasons
You can customize the list of discount reasons to be unique for your practice, allowing you to run reports showing these discount reasons for marketing and practice analysis purposes.
If you want to use this feature first you need to turn it on in User Accounts under Global Permissions.
To configure your practice's list of discount reasons, go to Practice Account -> Discount Settings.
In the top-right corner click +New Discount.
Enter a discount name as well as a discount percentage or a default dollar amount. Set the toggle button to active status (green color) then click Save.
Your new discount reason will appear in the summary list.
In order to apply the discount reason, create an invoice and, when editing a line item, open the drop-down list of discount reasons.
Choose your custom discount reason from the list.
After that select Update Charge.
The discount will be added to the line item.
Adding the Same Inventory Item to the Invoice and Procedure Notes
There may be times when you need to add the same inventory item to an invoice or to a procedure/chart note as separate line items, such as when the same inventory item is included in different prepaid packages. Remedly now allows these same inventory items to be added as separate line items on the same invoice.
When creating an invoice, the same inventory item can be added twice.
Inventory can also be added in duplicate in the procedure/chart notes.
Since Remedly no longer blocks this duplication, be sure that you have not added the duplication in error.
Duplicating Estimates from Patient History
Remedly allows duplicating estimates from the Financial Dashboard -> Fee Estimates -> Duplicate.
You can now also duplicate an estimate from patient history as well in Estimates -> Edit.
At the bottom there is now the option to duplicate the estimate.