In this article, you will learn about our updates to:
- Use credit card on file for split payments
- Date of the first appointment added to Patient categories reports
- Manage access to commission reports
- Change of the new patient status logic
Link to Release Video below
Use Credit Card on File For Split Payments
While making a split payment it can be beneficial to use the saved credit card(s) on file as a payment method.
When you create a payment and choose the Split Payment option, open the Payment method drop-down and select a Credit Card on file.
All the patient's credit cards on files will be available for selection in the drop-down.
Date of the First Appointment Added to Patient Categories Reports
If you work with the retention of patients and want to analyze for how long the patients have been dedicated to the services of your practice you may want to know when the patient came for their first visit. You can check in in Patient Categories Reports (Main Menu -> Patient Categories).
The column called "The First Appt Date" is added to:
1. All Patients report
2. New Patients report
- Scheduled
- Confirmed
- Message left
- Rescheduled
Manage access to commission reports
When you add commissions for users in your practice you can also modify who will access to commission reports. It can be done in User Account.
When the user has the access to financial reports (Global Permissions -> Financial -> Create financial reports), then they have the access to all financial reports.
If you don't want the user to see commission reports, turn off the toggle button in Global Permissions -> Practice account -> User commission rates.
Change of the New Patient Status Logic
The New Patient badge will be visible in the individual patient history until the patient has the first appointment at your practice.
The badge will disappear If the appointment has passed and has the following statuses:
- Scheduled
- Confirmed
- Message left
- Rescheduled
The badge won't disappear If the appointment has passed, but it has following statuses:
- Cancelled
- Waitlisted
- No show
- Reserved (not confirmed).
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:03 - Introduction
00:04 - 00:19 - Credit card on file as a split payment option
00:20 - 00:57 - Check the first appointment date in patient categories reports
00:58 - 01:19 - Turn off the commission report for users
01:20 - 02:00 - Changed login of "New patient" status
02:01 - 02:04 - Wrapping up