In order to add a staff member to be able to e-prescribe, please send the information below to and our support team will enable their eRx access. This assumes that your practice is already set up with eRx - if not, please reach out to to request eRx enrollment for your practice.
Whether the staff will be issuing prescriptions on behalf of another provider and routing prescriptions through the provider for approval or they do not need to e-prescribe but need some capabilities, we will need the following information and there is no additional charge for their account:
- Staff Name:
- Preferred Permission Level:
If the staff will be prescribing under their own name, we will need the following information. There will be an additional charge of $100/month for this additional provider:
NPI #:
DEA #:
License #
State where license was issued:
ECPS (Controlled substances): Yes/No
Once we have this information, we will register this staff member for e-prescribing and notify you of any next steps.