The main difference between the Staff and Provider role in User Accounts is the ability to commit notes. The Provider title enables the user to commit chart/op notes, the staff title required their notes to be routed to a provider in order to be committed.
There are several steps required before switching the account role. These steps will define whether the switch can be done by your practice or needs to done by Remedly.
To get started:
1. Verify if there are future appointments associated with the current account by running the following report:
- Graphical Analysis/Appointments-Total Patient Appointments-All Appointments
2. Verify if there are future reminders associated with the current account.
Note: If there are future appointments or reminders associated with the account, please contact and provide us with the first and last name of the user and the role you want assigned to the user. We will make the adjustment on your behalf.
If the user doesn't have any future appointments and/or reminders, you can switch the role yourself by following these steps.
1. Archive the user
Go to Practice Account -> User Accounts.
Locate the user to be archived and click the icon for their account.
Select Yes to confirm archiving the user account.
Refresh the page to see the user account as archived.
Related article:
2. Add a new user
Go to Practice Account -> User Accounts. Click + New User.
Select the necessary role and fill in the rest of the fields with the information about the user.
When all the configurations are done, click Invite to send the invitation to the user.
3. Inform the staff member that they will receive new credentials to Remedly login via email.
Related article:
Advise the staff member to check their email for their temporary password to access their new account and that they will need to upload their photo to their new account via User Accounts.
Also users will need to activate the new account in Columns Manager and adjust filters to select all Staff in order to display their appointments.