There are two options for documenting patient tips:
Optimal Tipping Workflow
With integrated merchant services, patients can discreetly leave a tip via the terminal while paying. These tips are reflected in the Tips report. Your practice will need to be utilizing our integration with a partner merchant service solution: Square or 360 Payments.
If you activate the tipping feature with the help of partner merchant services, your patients will be able to discreetly add tips while approving their payment at the terminal during check out. This feature is either activated or not for all terminals and all transactions.
In Remedly you'll be able to track all the tips with the help of the Tips report which will summarize all tips inputted at the terminal including the following details:
- Date/time
- Patient name
- Payment number
- Payment amount
- Tip amount
- Invoice number
- Provider name
- Total tip amount
You can find the corresponding report in Practice Analysis reports following these steps:
1. Main Menu ->Reports -> Practice Analysis
2. Then in the Analysis Reports section, click Select report -> Financial Transactions -> Tips.
Note: Payment Receipt displays the tip amount, and if the payment is refunded, the tip amount will not be included in the refund.
Note: if tipping is activated, HSA/FSA cards cannot by default be used as payment as they do not allow tipping. Please contact to options for enabling HSA/FSA cards.
Alternative Tipping Workflow
If your practice is not utilizing our integrated merchant services, then an alternative option for tracking tips is to activate the default treatment named Gratuity in Treatment Setup. On the invoice during patient check out, you can ask the patient if they want to leave a tip and for how much, then add the gratuity line item to the invoice as a treatment.
Later on you can run All Financial Transactions which will list Gratuity as the treatment. You'll be able to filter the report to see the data only on Gratuity.
Main Menu ->Reports -> Practice Analysis
In Analysis Reports section select the date range and location.
After that click Select report -> Financial Transactions. All Financial Transactions.
The CSV file will download to your desktop. You can filter the data to display on the Gratuity treatment.