In order to be able to generate a report of patients that are due for their next treatment, first you need to set up the interval for treatments in Treatment Setup. Repeat Treatment Intervals identify the preferred frequency for patient visits for the selected treatment.
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Once Repeat Treatment Intervals have been configured, you can generate a report for patients who are due for treatment by following these steps:
1. Main Menu ->Reports -> Patient Activity
2. In the Patients Due For Treatment section, you can multi-select which treatments to include in the report.
3. Click Create report
4. The report shows the date of each patient's last treatment as well as how many days have passed since each patient's last treatment.
5. You can create a PDF for the report results by clicking Print PDF.
6. You can contact patients individually to remind them to schedule their next treatment by clicking Send message which generates a Message in their patient portal.
7. In order to notify patients in bulk, you can generate a custom List by selecting individual patients or Select All for each page then naming your custom list.
For more information, please see the following article: