In this article, you will learn about our updates to:
- Provide visibility of forms status within an encounter
- Include CPT codes in the service description while scheduling an appointment
- Have encounters launch within the existing tab
- Enable patients to attach their insurance cards to insurance information form
Forms Visibility in Encounter
You can view the status of all forms sent out to a patient from within the encounter to verify whether or not they've been completed by the patient. This visibility is available in the Encounter under Forms.
To view the forms status of a patient:
- Go to the Encounter of the patient
- Open Forms to see the list of patient’s forms and their status.
You will be able to open and review these forms by clicking on the form name.
Note: we plan to enable the ability for patients to complete their unsigned forms from this interface in the future.
CPT Codes in Service Description in Appointment
CPT codes are included in the service description when selecting services to enable faster service identification by CPT code when scheduling.
Encounters Launch within Existing Tab
Instead of having new encounters launch in a separate tab, providers can now navigate to the encounter from the appointment and patient chart within the same tab. This organizational structure was adjusted to eliminate too many open tabs and to streamline workflow processes.
Attachments in Insurance Information Form
Patients are able to include photos of their insurance card, including both sides, when completing their insurance information form.
These documents can be reviewed within the completed form.
To view the attachments:
1. Go to the completed Insurance Information form
2. Click on the attachment to open it