In this article, you'll learn about our updates to:
- Billing for rendered services
- Display the cancellation reason in an appointment
- Display lab results and orders in a shared encounter with a patient
Billing for Rendered Services without Starting an Encounter
Add Rendered Services
You can bill for rendered services without having to start an encounter. If you need to bill for a 'No Show' or 'Cancel' appointment, you can add a rendered service directly to the appointment and then bill it. The ability to add rendered services and bill for them is no longer dependent on the appointment status.
To accomplish billing for a Cancelled appointment, follow the next steps:
1. Click More Actions and Add Rendered Service.
2. Select the desired service.
3. Click Save.
Once rendered services are added to the appointment, they are available for billing.
4. To add a bill, click on +Add in the Bills section of the appointment.
5. Select the service you want included in the bill and click Add bill.
You will be redirected to the RCM to work on the bill.
Note: you can add rendered services and bills by selecting More Actions > Add Rendered Service or More Actions > Add Bill whenever you need to access them, regardless of the appointment or encounter status.
Delete Rendered Services
If you need to delete rendered services from the appointment, click the trash icon next to the rendered service.
Cancellation Reason in an Appointment
The cancellation reason is visible both in the Audit Log of an appointment as well as within the appointment itself.
The reason will not be shared with the patient in their appointment cancellation email.
Display Lab Results/Orders when Sharing Encounter with Patient
If you have lab results and orders in the 'Lab Tests and Images' menu of an encounter, you can share them with your patient.
Through a shared encounter, a patient can open files with test results by clicking on the View Results link.
The results can be printed by selecting Print Report.
In the preview window click on Print.
To learn more about eLabs, read the following article: