In this article, you'll learn about our updates to:
EHR and RCM:
Patient Statuses
We've implemented Patient Statuses as a new system-wide indicator available at a glance:
Currently there are 3 patient statuses:
- newly created patients whose identity was not verified yet.
- patients actively receiving services within the practice.
- patients no longer seen in the practice (ex. duplicates, spam, deceased or other).
Patient Status Change
When a new patient is created, the system automatically assigns them a "New" status.
Active Patient
You can manually change the status to Active, or the system will automatically update the status to Active once an encounter is started for the patient.
You can update a patient's status at any time by clicking "More Actions" and selecting the desired option.
If an Active patient has a completed encounter, their Status cannot be changed to New.
Archive Patient
If a patient has not been seen in the practice or their record is invalid (e.g., created by mistake or duplicated), they can be assigned Archived status.
To archive a patient, go to the patient chart and select "More Actions" → "Archive Patient."
Select the reason for archiving, and confirm with "Save".
Available reasons for Archive:
- Duplicate
- Spam
- Deceased
- Other
Status changes take effect immediately.
You can undo an Archived patient under "More Actions" -> "Move from Archive".
The patient's status will change back to what it was before Archiving (Active or New).
We plan to expand this functionality in future updates, with more statuses and labels changes, so stay tuned!