In this article you will learn how to:
Sometimes we can forget that we have already added a patient to our database when creating an appointment and end up with multiple patient profiles for the same person with different information in each. In this article, you will learn how to ensure that you have up-to-date information for each patient without copies.
How to merge duplicate patient accounts together
1. First, you are going to search for the patient you suspect has multiple accounts in Remedly.
2. Select the patient and navigate to their Individual Patient History page.
3. Press the pencil icon on the top left of the screen.
4. This will open a pop-up that allows you to edit the patient’s information.
5. At the top right of this pop-up you will see the merge patients button.
6. This will open the merge screen where you can select the duplicate patient in the search bar on the top right.
Be sure to read the helpful tips in red, the info on the ‘TO’ side take precedence over the ‘FROM’ side and you want the name, DOB, contact info, and address to be accurate. You can flip the arrow by simply clicking on the words.
Before you can merge the two patients you will see a confirmation box pop up asking you to confirm that the info on the ‘TO’ is right, take a moment to ensure that all the info is correct.
After you confirm the information is correct on the ‘TO’ side you will see one final notification that the Patient was merged successfully.
Now that the patient merge was successful refresh your webpage and then you can do a search and will only find one patient where there were 2.
Content Timelines per Minute:
00:00 - 00:10 - Introduction
00:11 - 02:41 - Merging the duplicate patients
02:42 - 03:02 - Checking that the merge was successful